TF2 FreakShow Wiki
Creator PowerMetalHead2
Creation March 12, 2011
Debut SeaSpy Meets......
Type Lava-elemental
Alignment Neutral Evil
Attitude Hostile
Fighting style Melee
Abilities Martial arts
Lava manipulation
Status Alive
Enemies SeaSpy

LavaSpy is a RED Spy lava-elemental TF2 Freak accompanied by a pet Groudon. He was created by YouTube user PowerMetalHead2.

His battle theme is Two Steps From Hell - He Who Brings The Night.


LavaSpy appears as a RED Spy wearing a Big Chief and a Le Party Phantom. His voice has a notable lower pitch compared to other Spies.

Behaviour and Personality

Not much is known about LavaSpy except for his affinity with fire and his rivalry with SeaSpy, the King of the Sea. It's possible that LavaSpy is the King of Lava, by extension. He lives in the depths of a volcano with his pet Groudon, possibly plotting his next attack on SeaSpy.

Unlike his rival who acts with an air of arrogance and pride, LavaSpy appears to be mostly neutral. However, he's still a malevolent entity who'll destroy anything between him and his objective: fighting and defeating SeaSpy.

Powers and Abilities


LavaSpy, along his pet Groudon.

LavaSpy, as his name implies, has the power of lava and fire. He can survive in contact with lava, and can protect himself with a layer of solidified lava.

In addition, he's a very powerful martial artist, rivaling SeaSpy in skill and wielding a large axe in battle. While fighting, he's also assisted by his pet Groudon, a large and powerful beast with potent fire abilities.

Faults and Weaknesses

  • LavaSpy has no known means of ranged combat, making him vulnerable against ranged Freaks.
  • Being a fire elemental, he's prone to taking increased damage from water-based attacks.
  • While rather tough, LavaSpy isn't inhumanly resilient.


  • He made a cameo on the TV Channel SeaSpy was watching in SeaSpy Meets Dr. Teeem, apparently battling with his pet Groudon.

Notable Videos

By the Creator of the Freak
